Friday, July 08, 2005

Roberts and Berry Model on Acquiring Capabilities

Strategic management process

1. Where is the firm now concerning the internet?
2. Where does the firm go next?
3. How does it get there?
4. How does it implement the decisions to get there?


Strategy, structure, system, people and environment

Different Elements of Equity

IPO Process

Commerce strategies

P2P – C2C
B2E business-to-employee

Pricing Model

1. Fixed (menu) pricing
2. One-to-one bargaining
3. Auction
4. Reverse auction
5. Barter
6. Free

Profit Sites:

1. E-commerce
2. Content aggregators
3. Brokers/agents
4. Market makers
5. Service providers
6. Backbone operators
7. ISPs/OSPs
8. Last mile
9. Content creators
10. Software suppliers
11. Hardware suppliers

Business Model Taxnomy vs. Typology: Examples from the literature 2

Business Model Taxnomy vs. Typology: Examples from the literature 1

Revenue Model

Commission Model
Commission model relies on two factors:
1. Large volume of completed transactions to make the commission model worth while
2. To offset low volume with very expensive transaction
Commission – Intermediary – Brokerage

Advertising Model
Two ways:
Reaching broadest possible audience
Have a highly targeted and specialized audience.

Markup – based Model

Production – based Model

Refferral – based Model
Refferral – Affiliate – Click-through

Subscription – based Model

Fee-for-Service – based Model

Six Models

Complementary assets
Incremental/Radical dichotomy
Architectural innovation
Disruptive change
Innovation value – add chain
Technology life cycle

Internet Technology Life Cycle

Who Profits from Innovation. David Teece

Complementary Assets

Complementary assets are all other capabilities – apart from those that underpin the technology or invention – that the firm needs to exploit the technology.