Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lesson 7 Study Journal

This lesson is about management of change. Change is constant. In EDCF, change describes in Change/Agency, while Universal Business Model categories change in Influences and Performance mostly. Risk and opportunity come from change.

Change comes from:

Great Idea: It is a new model, new process, and new method to handle business
Improvement: It is a modification of existing infrastructure, business process, software, and interface etc.
Sudden Event: Such as 9/11, Asia Tsunami, financial market crash
New Technology: Internet, mobile commerce, eyes/finger print check and GPS etc.

Small Business Disaster Recovery Strategy
Small business will spend less money on DR compared to large company; meanwhile small business has less data to protect.

Two main solutions to DR are Tape back up system and Host-based replication system.
Host system is able to physically distribute the data in different place, but more expensive than Tape. These two solutions can be used together. (Mike Talon, 2004)

If the data is kept on back up, the space in disk will become less and less, it is impossible to store all the data. So a clarification and deletion is necessary in back up management.


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