Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Use Case

Background Introduction
Second hand textbook has potential market in every university. Although there are many big C2C online selling companies out there, like eBay, some students still prefer to buy locally, which saves the delivery expense and is easier to make a payment.

A local bookstore can deploy a used book sell online website, which utilizes information communication technology and has the convenience provided by local trading. Buyer can check detail of each book on the website before he/she go to the store, and seller can leave a book in the bookstore with predefined price. Each transaction is through the bookstore. Buyer and seller do not have to make an appointment to meet any more.

This component is a part of an entire online selling system. It builds the entry and update function for bookstore staff, browsing function for buyer to find a correct book.
Online placing sell, order and updating function from buyer or seller are out of the boundary. Also, there is no search function for browser to search a particular book for sell.

Actors & Goals
Bookstore (Direct Actor): Keeps buyer and seller’s membership. Propagate itself, or generate some profit from transaction.
Buyer (Direct Actor): Easy to find a book and get the up-to-date information. Does transaction with less time constrain.
Seller: Get a platform with intense demand. No time constrain as no appointment.

Use Case
1. A seller hand a textbook to the bookstore located near university, and give a price to the book.
2. Bookstore staff takes picture and makes description of that book, classify it to a course. Then upload this sell onto the website. (MVC and write database)
3. Buyer browses the website, follow the course classification then check all those available books under one course, record a book he/she wants to buy. (MVC with database read)
4. Buyer goes to bookstore, ask for that particular book and pay. (Delete the record in database)
5. Seller is notified to collect money from bookstore.

 In book’s description, staff uses a multiple choice to mark a book’s current condition. (unbias)
 Bookstore staff can use barcode to identify a particular book.
 Seller can leave and update a description and price directly on the store website.
 Buyer can place an order directly online.

Potential Project Components to Integrate
(This part is not in my individual work, but can be handled by other team member)
 Bookstore can notify seller by email or SMS after book sold.
 A search engine should be built
 A auction function can be used.
 Integrate with library book DB, student account DB and study unit portal (sakai).

Actually the best actor of the bookstore is the library, which keeps a book database, customer (student) database. This also enhances the payment and trust. And the most important thing is that, unlike most second hand bookstores work on large margin or commission fee between buying and selling price, this service can be free to students.

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